
Museum without Walls

Museum without Walls

Museum without Walls

© The Kremer Museum

Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro, 2011.

untitled (Gilbert Chaudanne, acrylic on eucatex, 1997) - access in augmented reality

DiMoDA 1.0 - opening at Transfer gallery, 2015.

Riverine Archive, VR screen capture (© Antonopoulou & Dare).

Dense point cloud of the Redonda and Filhote islands. The photo sequence, indicated by the blue rectangles, shows the boat trajectory around the islands.

© The Kremer Museum

Third World flag.

Dja Guata Porã exhibition, Museu de Arte do Rio, 2017-8.

The Kremer Collection VR is a virtual reality museum dedicated to the exhibition of physical artworks. It was developed by the Moyosa Media studio to host digital replicas of the Old Dutch masters’ paintings that integrate George and Ilone Kremer’s art collection.

Even though they are frequently loaned to exhibitions all around the world, the works in the Kremer collection never had a public gallery of their own. The virtual environment creates a possibility for the pieces to be appreciated together, mediated by their owners’ audio commentary.

The replicas have been made using photogrammetry, a 3D scanning technique that enables the reconstruction of volumes and visual textures in high fidelity. The museum building, in turn, was specially projected by an architect and modelled in hyperrealist fashion. It attempts to reproduce the ideal conditions of encounter with the artworks in a sumptuous space familiar to the art public.

Drawing from the expertise of the Kremer Collection VR project, Moyosa Media has been working on solutions for web-based virtual galleries that do not require the use of VR headsets in order to expand audience access to this form of exhibition experience.

Kremer Collection
