House demolition at Vila Autódromo (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Screenshot from Unity showing sound design. Programming Sang Hun Yu (© University of Dundee).
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. VR setup at Besides the Screen Conference, Kings College, London, 2018 (© Adam Lockhart).
David Hall, A Situation Envisaged: The Rite II (Cultural Eclipse), 1988-90. VR experience presented at the NEoN Festival, Dundee, 2017. Development by Rhoda Ellis, curating by Adam Lockhart (© Adam Lockhart).
The processes that culminated in the independence of the former European colonies affected disciplines that, directly or indirectly, legitimized colonial power. The New Museology movement provoked actions that brought the museum closer to the community, making it possible to include groups related to the safeguarded collections within the institutions.
Houseplans, Phi Books (© Antonopoulou & Dare).
Phi Books (© Antonopoulou & Dare).
Subway (Norton, acrylic on wood, 2002) - access in augmented reality
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro, 2011.