David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Video documentation of VR experience presented at Besides the Screen Conference, Kings College, London, 2018 (© Adam Lockhart).
Macrophallic amulter recovered from the fire at the National Museum (© LAPID).
Polivisão XLIV X4 (Maurício Salgueiro, mixed media, undated) - access in augmented reality
Reproductions of “artworks” which come with a glossary create a new perspective, add another meaning, or simply mix up the first meaning when facing what was initially appropriated by the artist.
JOÃO ME-PRO-METEO, Um-PEXi (Elpídio Malaquias, synthetic enamel on chipboard, 1992) - access in augmented reality
Phi Books VR (© Antonopoulou & Dare).
Phi Books (© Antonopoulou & Dare).
Lenhador (Dionísio del Santo, oil on canvas, 1987) - access in augmented reality
Houseplans, Phi Books (© Antonopoulou & Dare).
Since the Collection inherited a relatively random set of works and only recently implemented an acquisition policy, one cannot comfortably attribute to it the function of producing a historiography of art produced in the 20th century in Pernambuco. How, then, to deal with this condition?