© The Kremer Museum
Perhaps the act of appropriation has an element of appreciation, but it is much more than that. Tutorship implies concern, but such response is not the only way (or the best one) to demonstrate care.
Escadaria Maria Ortiz (Raphael Samú, screen printing on paper, 1981) - access in augmented reality
Demonstration against evictions and demolitions at Vila Autódromo (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).
untitled (Gilbert Chaudanne, acrylic on eucatex, 1997) - access in augmented reality
DiMoDA 3.0, 2018. SIGGRAPH Asia partnership.
Third World flag.
Donation of pieces from the Museum of Removals' collection to the National History Museum (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).
Digital animation of the skeleton of the bird Rhea americana, based on kinematic study.