Lenhador (Dionísio del Santo, oil on canvas, 1987) - access in augmented reality
Reproductions of “artworks” which come with a glossary create a new perspective, add another meaning, or simply mix up the first meaning when facing what was initially appropriated by the artist.
DiMoDA 2.0 - RISD Museum, 2017. Works on display by Miyö Van Stenis (War Room), Rosa Menkman (DCT Syphoning The 64th Interval) and Theo Triantafyllidis (Self Portrait (Interior)) (© RISD Museum).
Phi Books (© Antonopoulou & Dare).
Phi Books presentation at the University of Copenhagen.
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Schematic showing 3D construction of Hantarex monitor in Maya software by Sang Hun Yu (© University of Dundee/Estate of David Hall).
untitled (Nair Vervloet, oil on canvas, 1952) - access in augmented reality
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Original installation plans (© Estate of David Hall/University of Dundee).
contidonãocontido exhibition - Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães, 2010.