
Museum without Walls

Museum without Walls

Museum without Walls

Demolition of houses at Vila Autódromo by the city government (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).

David Hall, A Situation Envisaged: The Rite II, 1989-90. VR simulation presented at NEoN Festival, Dundee, Scotland, 2017. VR model by Rhoda Ellis, curated by Adam Lockhart (© Estate of David Hall/Rhoda Ellis/University of Dundee).

David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Comparison of real installation (Installed at Museum of Modern Art - MUMOK, Vienna, 2010) and VR simulation. Model by Sang Hun Yu (© University of Dundee/Estate of David Hall).

The digitization of the Bendegó meteorite with the HandySCAN 3D was done in several parts that were digitally merged.

David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Video documentation of VR experience presented at Besides the Screen Conference, Kings College, London, 2018 (© Adam Lockhart).

Phi Books VR (© Antonopoulou & Dare).

In May 2021, while the Espírito Santo Art Museum – MAES – was closed in between exhibitions, we held an arts and curatorial residency in a replica of the museum hosted in the Mozilla Hubs platform.

Compatible with WebXR standards, Hubs is a virtual reality system more directly integrated to the internet infrastructure and which does not require any equipment more sophisticated than a browser to be used.

During the residency, Hubs was a means for the participants to occupy the MAES’ architecture as a porous simulacrum, open to the most diverse flows of information – media libraries, archive materials, personal memories, and collaborations with the public.

The experience resulted in the versioning of the museum into four different instances, fabricated by AFAAB (Catalina Alvarez, Liz Flyntz, Ty Clapsaddle), Commonolithic, Para Terra Volta Toda Corpa em Matéria (Garu, Pedra Silva, Rodrigo Lopes), and Renato Pera.

The preliminary replica of MAES remains accessible and open to remixes.

MAES Variations
