untitled (Regina Chulam, oil on canvas, 1982) - access in augmented reality
Perceptions of the real in museums run the risk of creating a reality of fragmented discourses that, when removed from their original context, prevent us from perceiving an another reality, entirely diverse from our own, building a distorted image of the "other".
Perhaps the act of appropriation has an element of appreciation, but it is much more than that. Tutorship implies concern, but such response is not the only way (or the best one) to demonstrate care.
Aerial view of Vila Autódromo before demolitions (© Luiz Claudio Silva / Museum of Removals collection).
DiMoDA 2.0 - RISD Museum, 2017. Works on display by Miyö Van Stenis (War Room), Rosa Menkman (DCT Syphoning The 64th Interval) and Theo Triantafyllidis (Self Portrait (Interior)) (© RISD Museum).
Dja Guata Porã exhibition, Museu de Arte do Rio, 2017-8.
Phi Books (© Antonopoulou & Dare).
contidonãocontido exhibition - Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães, 2010.
Escadaria Maria Ortiz (Raphael Samú, screen printing on paper, 1981) - access in augmented reality