DiMoDA 3.0, 2018. Work by Paul Hertz (Fools Paradise).
Polivisão XLIV X4 (Maurício Salgueiro, mixed media, undated) - access in augmented reality
David Hall, TV Interruptions: The Installation, 1971. Video documentation of VR experience presented at Besides the Screen Conference, Kings College, London, 2018 (© Adam Lockhart).
The processes that culminated in the independence of the former European colonies affected disciplines that, directly or indirectly, legitimized colonial power. The New Museology movement provoked actions that brought the museum closer to the community, making it possible to include groups related to the safeguarded collections within the institutions.
Phi Books presentation at the University of Copenhagen.
Donation of pieces from the Museum of Removals' collection to the National History Museum (© Museum of Removals collection).
VR as a Presentation and Simulation Tool for Media Art Installations (presented at the ISEA 2020 Conference).
Since the Collection inherited a relatively random set of works and only recently implemented an acquisition policy, one cannot comfortably attribute to it the function of producing a historiography of art produced in the 20th century in Pernambuco. How, then, to deal with this condition?
Subway (Norton, acrylic on wood, 2002) - access in augmented reality