Vitória 18,35 horas (Raphael Samú, screen printing on paper, undated) - access in augmented reality
Dossiers, Magazines, and Reports
David Hall, A Situation Envisaged: The Rite II, 1989-90. VR simulation presented at NEoN Festival, Dundee, Scotland, 2017. VR model by Rhoda Ellis, curated by Adam Lockhart (© Estate of David Hall/Rhoda Ellis/University of Dundee).
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro, 2011.
Envensão nova urso con cachorro (Elpídio Malaquias, synthetic enamel on chipboard, 1992) - access in augmented reality
untitled (Levino Fanzeres, oil on agglomerate, undated) - access in augmented reality
Lenhador (Dionísio del Santo, oil on canvas, 1987) - access in augmented reality